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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Two students sit outside of White Station High School. Shelby County Schools (SCS) announced the option to return to in-person school for students.

The wait is over; students return to in-person learning

Hannia Antunez, writer April 8, 2021

After nine months of virtual school, Shelby County Schools (SCS) announced that students could choose to attend school in-person and that the normal school hours of 7:15 to 2:15 would be in place again....

“I don’t mind getting sidetracked...all that stuff keeps everybody engaged,” Curt Rakestraw said. “Yeah, the bureaucracy is boring, but you never know when this maniac is going to start talking about what he saw on TV yesterday. That part is good, but it’s really hard to do that part by myself."

At home in the classroom

Autumn Bobo, Head of Layout January 10, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has yielded a number of changes to the average school day, including utilizing Microsoft TEAMS instead of an in-person setting. Teachers and students both have had to adapt to functioning...

Special education teacher Laurie Roberts teaches Jeb Polatty (9) how to maneuver Microsoft Teams. Connecting with the special ed students is one of the more difficult aspects of virtual learning, but Roberts and Melissa Anderson, another special ed teacher, make it work.

Special education especially difficult amidst pandemic

Katie Stanek, News and Feature Team Leader January 5, 2021

Teachers, administration and students alike have grappled with the challenges virtual school presents. Few, however, have struggled with and overcome as many obstacles as the special education (special...

 Spartans participate in the homecoming dress-up day by wearing costumes of their favorite Disney characters. Students who participated in dress-up days were featured on the E-board Instagram for the chance to win a gift card.

Lights, camera, action: spartan homecoming video

Jackie Ann Crislip, Online Editor December 11, 2020

Crowded football game. Electrified pep rally. Crowned royalty. This year, the traditions of homecoming that allow the White Station community to come together were threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic....

Members of L.O.V.E. discuss how their day and week has been. During the beginning of the meeting, students share one good thing that made their week better.

Mentorship clubs going strong despite virtual obstacles

Kyla Randle, Writer December 9, 2020

Many students lack the opportunity to learn how to improve themselves through clubs. The Ladies of Virtue and Excellence (L.O.V.E.) club and Next Gen Men club allow students to learn different skills with...

Orchestra teacher Dr. Palmer brought in two guest speakers from the University of Memphis to help teach students about enrollment and furthering their music education after highschool. Harvey Felder, director of orchestral activities, and Heather Hampton, recruitment and enrollment officer, spoke to orchestra classes to provide students with valuable information for their futures.

Teachers adapt to virtual learning

Alice Willard December 9, 2020

Please turn your cameras on. Unmute your mics. Can everyone hear me? Everyday, teachers ask this series of questions since the SCS decision to switch to virtual learning. Previously-filled desks, chairs...

Adam Brooks (12) plays his trumpet, sheet music and laptop at hand. Restrictive virtual policies and snarky trumpet jokes alike haven’t stopped students from making music.

Virtual school giving you treble? Music classes cope online

Molly Yuan, Chief Copy Editor October 25, 2020

How many trumpet players does it take to change a lightbulb? Five. One to handle the bulb and four to tell him how much better they could have done it. See anything wrong with this joke? No, it’s not...

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