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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

AP U.S. History and AP European History teacher Michael Stephenson stands outside White Station High School in his usual business casual attire. Stephenson is known for his unique style and tendency to dress more formally.

Fashion in action: stylish school staff

Erin Maury, Business Manager November 29, 2023

Fashion makes up a large portion of society and culture, which is why having a sense of style is so valued in the world today. There are many professions that restrict a person’s self-expression and...

An image of Frida Kahlo can be found outside of Leslie Thornton’s Spanish class. Students were assigned the task of creating multicolored paper flowers, a popular Mexican practice.

Celebrating the end of Hispanic Heritage Month

Hannia Antunez, News & Feature Team Leader October 27, 2022

As Spartans rush by the first floor of the East Annex, they spot colorful flowers blooming out of the walls, adorning an immense Frida Kahlo while colorful Hispanic banners are strung across...

People gather in a rally against anti-Asian hate in the Chinatown-International District of Seattle. Over the past year, it has been reported that anti-Asian hate crimes have increased by nearly 150%.

Words have weight: casual racism at White Station

Lena Zeng, Writer December 7, 2021

“You’re being too sensitive!” “You can’t take a joke!” “You’re acting like a snowflake!” These are just some of the common phrases that are often told to people who take offense to racist...

Spanish teachers use creative assignments to advance language learning

Jillian Maxwell, Emlyn Polatty February 1, 2019

In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, learning a second language is an important goal for many students at White Station. Being bilingual can open up opportunities in the workforce, as well...

Spanish teachers use creative assignments to advance language learning

Emlyn Polatty, Jillian Maxwell November 19, 2018

In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, learning a second language is an important goal for many students at White Station. Being bilingual can open up opportunities in the workforce, as...

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