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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll


Mastering the Common App one word at a time

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader March 26, 2020

For students who plan on applying for competitive colleges in the near future, the most daunting part is slowly approaching: the Common App. But what are the most important things to think about when completing...

From left to right, Justin Kouch (12), Rachel Kannady, Itamar Almalem (11) and Seth Khokar (11) stand in front of the state capital building after the closing ceremony. After a one year hiatus, Youth in Government is back in full throttle, ready to change the government.

Get YIGgy with it

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader March 6, 2020

With many people voicing their concerns over the current government, it seems as though the “adults” in charge cannot lead this country effectively. This past weekend, Feb. 27 - Mar. 1, three White...

Animals such as this elephant are taken from their families in the wild to be sold to zoos and circuses. They are often caged and chained as well as beat to make them subservient to their owners.

Should animals be released back into the wild or kept in captivity?

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader March 2, 2020

Every child marvels at the majestic roar of lions or the impressive tricks of orcas. Many students, such as Angel Reyes (12), Sophie Floyd (11) and Janona Pirlepelsova (12), have been to zoos or aquariums...

After a two and a half year hiatus, Justin Bieber returned to mainstream music with the release of his album “Changes,” which fully debuted on Valentine’s Day. Bieber’s goal was to make the soundtrack more R&B instead of his usual pop melody.

Justin Bieber returns with “Changes”: is it a hit or miss?

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader February 19, 2020

When you think of a classic Justin Bieber album, you think of songs that make you want to scream the lyrics and dance; however, the release of his newest album, “Changes,” did not do it for me. As...

Supposedly, Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog has been predicting the weather since 1886, which is when the Groundhog Club established itself in American Culture. Normal groundhogs live up to six years, but this special groundhog is given a special “elixir of life” annually to keep him alive forever.

Shadow or no shadow: will the groundhog predict Spring six weeks early?

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader February 3, 2020

A little head peeps out of the ground, turning side to side, but does it see what it’s looking for? If it sees a shadow, it means winter will last six weeks longer, but if it doesn’t see a shadow,...

History of homecoming

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader January 20, 2020

White Station has had a football and basketball homecoming as long as anyone can remember, but what is the actual purpose of this tradition? Homecoming week now is a week-long celebration that leads...

The Intermediate Orchestra and Advanced Honors Orchestra combined forces to play two traditional holiday finale pieces. They performed “We Need a Little Christmas” as well as a “Mother Ginger” from the play “The Nutcracker.”

Sleigh ride to White Station’s holiday concert

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader December 18, 2019

The discord of instruments tuning slowly turned into a melodious harmony, resonating through the White Station auditorium. On Dec. 9, the Intermediate Orchestra and Advanced Honors Orchestra put on...

Instagram is testing a new feature where the number of likes a post receives will be hidden to audience members but not the owner. The company hopes that this will allow users to be more free with what they share.

Instagram likes: should they be banned or brought back?

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader December 18, 2019

As likes on Instagram are disappearing in an experiment on accounts all across the world, people are left with one burning question: why?  “We want your followers to focus on what you share, not...

Created in 2010, the main cast members from left to right include: Andre Harris (Leon Thomas III), Robbie Shapiro (Matt Bennett), Jade West (Elizabeth Gillies), Tori Vega (Victoria Justice), Cat Valentine (Ariana Grande), Beck Oliver (Avan Jogia) and Trina Vega (Daniella Monet).

White Station alum’s “Victorious” takes on Netflix

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader December 3, 2019

Make it shine. Those three words act as a remedy for some high school students, as they are the words that made Tori Vega a superstar. The hit show “Victorious” made its way onto Netflix in November,...

Spooky baskets consisted of Halloween themed trinkets, sweets or anything else E-Board members thought each other would like. This basket was given to Justin Kouch (12), President of E-Board, by Ivy Qui (11), Commissioner of Publicity.

E-Board’s spooky Halloween tradition

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader November 14, 2019

Secret Santa but Halloween style. Last year, White Station’s Executive Board started a tradition where each member secretly chose another member to gift them a “spooky basket.” It was created to...

Gaby Brown (right) and Brandon Brown (left) hug each other farewell as Brandon Brown is about to fly off to Wayne State University. Many tears were shed as they parted, not knowing when they’ll be able to reunite with each other.

And then there was one

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader November 5, 2019

You never know what you will miss until it is gone. The unimaginable thought of living without your sibling for the first time in your life affects everyone differently, and Spartans are no exception. With...

Diversity of a lifetime

Justin Kouch October 23, 2019

The unheard of transpired at White Station High School during the 2019 Football Homecoming for senior Brandon Allen (12), but this should not distract from the diversity of the entire court.  This...

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