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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Extra credit is an opportunity for struggling students to achieve their desired grade on an assignment. In today’s hectic world, there are many reasons why students might not get the best grades, making extra credit an effective way to lessen a student’s stress about school.

Extra credit: a much needed sigh of relief

Renata Bayazitova and Kingston Barber January 25, 2022

Extra credit has always been a good opportunity for students to learn something new or practice a skill more in exchange for additional points. It has a lot of helpful additions to a student’s learning...

JUUL e-cigarettes have high levels of nicotine with one pod containing as much nicotine as 20 cigarettes. EVALI is a serious, sometimes fatal, lung disease caused by vaping, and thousands of cases have been reported.

Administration combats the vaping crisis

Hannah Lam, Online Editor December 7, 2021

With teens sick, hospitalized and dead, the vaping epidemic has reached its peak, threatening to hook students on nicotine. At White Station, vaping is not something to overlook. Administration has set...

Depicted are just a few kinds of the vapes that skyrocketed teenage nicotine addiction. Vapes and e-cigarettes come in many different shapes and sizes, but most commonly, they look similar to flash drives, which allows them to go unnoticed by those unaware of what vapes are.

More than just a trend: the severity of the vaping epidemic

Jessica Sahota, Writer December 7, 2021

After schools across the country spent millions of dollars on anti-cigarette campaigns, the teenage vaping epidemic emerged and effectively reversed any progress made. However, this process of inhaling...

People tend to assume being above or below a certain number on the scale or their Body Mass Index (BMI) defines their health, but this is largely inaccurate. According to dietitian Cindy Smith, BMI was created as a measure for insurance companies, and not a single dietitian was behind its creation. A low or high BMI does not guarantee that someone is malnourished or overweight because genetic makeup and muscle mass are not accounted for in BMI.

The ins and outs of fatphobia

Michelle Le, Writer April 22, 2021

Sometimes it is the stretch marks. Sometimes it is the hip dips. Sometimes it is just looking in the mirror and realizing that you are not built like an Instagram influencer. This constant comparison to...

Eating disorders: more than skin deep

Ellie Pappas, Writer April 22, 2021

  Two sources who have experienced eating disorders wish to remain anonymous and shall be referred to as Source A and Source B.  ‘Beauty is more than skin deep,’ ‘beauty comes in all shapes...

COVID-19 vaccines are being used to combat the virus and the destruction that the virus has caused. For some in the White Station community, their experience with the vaccine has been beneficial for themselves and those close to them.

COVID-19 vaccine tested, tried and true among White Station community

Katie Stanek, News & Feature Team Leader February 21, 2021

The COVID-19 vaccine is a savior for some, a mystery to others, but an interesting topic for all. While multiple versions of the vaccine have been approved by the FDA, many  are still cautious of the...

Similar to other vaccines, the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine operates by allowing the immune system to generate antibodies against the production of the virus. There is minimal risk of DNA damage or other long term effects, though short term side effects are common after receiving the vaccine.

The science behind the COVID-19 vaccines

Maadhu Krishnan, Viewpoint Team Leader February 21, 2021

Receiving a vaccine for the COVID-19 disease as soon as possible is an important way to protect from the virus. As of February, more than 40 million doses of the vaccine have been administered to Americans....

“I don’t mind getting sidetracked...all that stuff keeps everybody engaged,” Curt Rakestraw said. “Yeah, the bureaucracy is boring, but you never know when this maniac is going to start talking about what he saw on TV yesterday. That part is good, but it’s really hard to do that part by myself."

At home in the classroom

Autumn Bobo, Head of Layout January 10, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has yielded a number of changes to the average school day, including utilizing Microsoft TEAMS instead of an in-person setting. Teachers and students both have had to adapt to functioning...

Orchestra teacher Dr. Palmer brought in two guest speakers from the University of Memphis to help teach students about enrollment and furthering their music education after highschool. Harvey Felder, director of orchestral activities, and Heather Hampton, recruitment and enrollment officer, spoke to orchestra classes to provide students with valuable information for their futures.

Teachers adapt to virtual learning

Alice Willard December 9, 2020

Please turn your cameras on. Unmute your mics. Can everyone hear me? Everyday, teachers ask this series of questions since the SCS decision to switch to virtual learning. Previously-filled desks, chairs...

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