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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Evans works on building a robot in an MLGW worker’s machine shop after school for a competition in Huntsville from March 15 to 17.

Accepting the AP challenge

Kathryn Haynes, StudLife April 16, 2018

Overcommitment is a possible pitfall for every student, but many Spartans seem to handle their workload with ease. Or they just stay up late. Some see fellow students taking several AP (Advanced Placement)...

The argument for class ranks

Jessica Lam, Viewpoint January 23, 2018

GPA- the single most important factor attributed to success in high school. As students approach junior and senior year, the competition and drive for higher class rank accelerates. Class rank measures...

Money or AP?

The cost of Advanced Placement

Sarah Liu, Layout, Student Life December 14, 2016

November. AP fees are due: $93 per test. In comes May, AP-testing month: whether or not you pass lies upon your own shoulders. So, is $93 affordable? Is it worth it? Each student has his or her reason...

An AP/Honors student's report card.

What is the point behind the points?

Dominique Malone, Opinion Team Leader October 6, 2015

“Oh no, it's report card day and I know I didn’t get the “A” I wanted in Calculus. I hope that I did well. Boom. You did better than you thought, but did you ever wonder how that was possible?...

GPA system changes

Sudeshna Barman September 30, 2013

Clearly the behemoth MCS-SCS merger has had and will continue to have countless effects, but one of the most pertinent questions for students is that of GPA. How will it be calculated from now on? How...

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