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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

High school relationships are usually short and sweet. Although some can last, most of them plummet fast.

High school relationships — proceed with caution

Renata Bayazitova, Social Media Manager February 27, 2022

High school relationships can be a whirlwind of romance and drama. Most students dream about having them: walking through the hallway holding hands, surprising each other with notes inside their lockers...

Bella Canale (11) poses with the softball team for a quick post-practice selfie. Wearing masks is one of multiple COVID-19 precautions the team has to take at practices and games.

Softball team plans to dominate opponents and COVID-19

Sari Richmond, Writer April 9, 2021

Warm spring air and the sound of bats dropping to the ground are telltale signs of a fresh softball season. However, there is a special level of excitement for this season, as it is the first opportunity...

Two students sit outside of White Station High School. Shelby County Schools (SCS) announced the option to return to in-person school for students.

The wait is over; students return to in-person learning

Hannia Antunez, writer April 8, 2021

After nine months of virtual school, Shelby County Schools (SCS) announced that students could choose to attend school in-person and that the normal school hours of 7:15 to 2:15 would be in place again....

Aanya Kabra (9) (left) and Eunice Chen (9) (right) design cards to send to the Signature Healthcare of Memphis. Class projects encourage student involvement within school activities and in the community.

Clothes, cards, and chew toys: students donate through class service projects

Hannah Lam, Writer February 21, 2021

The Memphis community has shaped students; now it is time for them to give back. Each grade will hold donation drives throughout February to collect items for the Memphis Union Mission, the Humane Society...

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