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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

After a busy opening day at Baptist Corporate Headquarters, Tim Shirley (middle) celebrates the product of his hard work. The whereabouts of ¡Mexico in Memphis! can be found on Instagram and Facebook, @mexicoinmemphis.

¡Mexico in Memphis!: Shirley’s creative twist on Mexican food

Hannah Lam, Online Editor October 1, 2021

As Tim Shirley, the husband of Angelica Shirley, a Spanish teacher at White Station, looked across the sunset of Acapulco, Mexico years ago, he stood with his new bride, and an immense love for her culture...

COVID-19 vaccines are being used to combat the virus and the destruction that the virus has caused. For some in the White Station community, their experience with the vaccine has been beneficial for themselves and those close to them.

COVID-19 vaccine tested, tried and true among White Station community

Katie Stanek, News & Feature Team Leader February 21, 2021

The COVID-19 vaccine is a savior for some, a mystery to others, but an interesting topic for all. While multiple versions of the vaccine have been approved by the FDA, many  are still cautious of the...

Spanish teachers use creative assignments to advance language learning

Jillian Maxwell, Emlyn Polatty February 1, 2019

In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, learning a second language is an important goal for many students at White Station. Being bilingual can open up opportunities in the workforce, as well...

Spanish teachers use creative assignments to advance language learning

Emlyn Polatty, Jillian Maxwell November 19, 2018

In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, learning a second language is an important goal for many students at White Station. Being bilingual can open up opportunities in the workforce, as...

Maddy Howell-Moroney (9) of the Spanish Club celebrates Dia de los Muertos.

Celebrating Hispanic heritage

Hannah Bloom, Student Life Editor November 23, 2013

The United States is known as the melting pot of the world for its unique combination of various backgrounds as a single American culture. During National Hispanic Heritage Month, Americans are reminded...

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