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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Sulan Roachell (12) poses for the camera. Roachell is diagnosed with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and was diagnosed in 2022. Involved with the thespian society and Chorale at White Station, she enjoys anything to do with music.

Teaching, learning and living with ADHD

Katie Lamm, Editor-in-Chief April 5, 2022

Something always felt off. Sulan Roachell (12) had felt like her brain was going 100 miles per hour almost all her life. Focusing on school work was hard, finding motivation was hard and dealing with...

Spirit of the Season, Treble Corps’s latest video, features a collection of cheery, winter holiday themed songs. Their channel, “WSHS Spartan Battalion”, is easily accessible and can be found on Youtube.

Monthly Acapella: Treble Corps’s new series

Dottie Young, Writer April 26, 2021

The camera flashes red, and JROTC's acapella group Treble Corps begins to sing, echoing a warm melody throughout the venue. Most students at White Station are familiar with the JROTC program but may have...

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