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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

The Showstoppers perform at the basketball homecoming pep rally after weeks of preparation. For the last event of the year, they stepped to “Ain’t my fault,” “Hot now,” “Chop style” and “Blow the whistle.”

Showstoppers: a team stepping to be heard

Michelle Le, Writer February 4, 2020

Behind the pep rallies and Black History program is a team of girls who step to their own beat and entertain crowds. Although they grab the attention of many, few know what it takes to be on the step team.  What...

The step team performs at the football pep rally.

Bonds form among young step team through competition and performance

Mira Milman November 2, 2017

Five, six, seven, eight. The music sounds, the crowd roars, and the girls eagerly await to perform. The step team executes their much rehearsed routine to a full audience at the homecoming pep rally. The...

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