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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Paxson Abney (12) is a first-time voter and election poll worker for the 2024 presidential elections. Abney became a poll worker because she wanted to help with the election process.

12 hours after my shift: Student election poll workers

Adaria Crutcher, Managing Editor February 9, 2025

The next four years of the United States lie in the hands of a thin paper ballot ready to cause mayhem depending on the pencil that marks its surface. Yet with every vote, whether red or blue, lies a set...

Members of the Bee Club hold honey frames that they have just extracted. Honey extraction is one aspect of beekeeping that members get to participate in on campus.

Hiving and thriving in the Bee Club

Erin Maury, Business Manager December 12, 2023

To be in the Bee Club or to not be in the Bee Club, that is the question. The Bee Club is a student-run organization at White Station High School (WSHS), dedicated to educating students about the art...

Coach Pattino leads basketball practice. Players practice through the 7th period to after school in the senior gym.

How students should prepare for tryouts

Alex Le, Writer November 28, 2022

Sweat dripping, hearts thumping and balls flying, players work hard to stand out. The question asked by many students: what can be done to increase the chances of getting on the team? The answer...

According to Next Avenue, an “ally” is someone who supports LGBTQ people and equality in its many forms — both publicly and privately. It is essential for heterosexual, cisgender people to not only support the community, but be a proud and public ally.

Being part of the LGBTQ+ community as a teen

Sophia Campbell, News and Feature Team Leader December 7, 2021

It’s everywhere, creeping in every corner. It’s in our neighborhoods, haunting us. It’s in our schools, terrorizing us. It can even be in places of worship, misinforming us. It's unavoidable. Prejudice...

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