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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

The rejoicing of happiness.

Dear Seniors,

Elizabeth Boyer, Online Editor May 16, 2016
Dear 2016 graduates, As the year comes to an end, every grade is going to move onto the next step of their lives. Whether this step is the next grade or an entirely new setting, things are going to be different.
Privacy over Pentagon

Privacy over Pentagon

Elizabeth Boyer, Online Editor April 12, 2016
The conflict facing Apple and the FBI: should Apple unlock the phone and face the possibility of everyone losing their sense of security?
An AP/Honors student's report card.

What is the point behind the points?

Dominique Malone, Opinion Team Leader October 6, 2015

“Oh no, it's report card day and I know I didn’t get the “A” I wanted in Calculus. I hope that I did well. Boom. You did better than you thought, but did you ever wonder how that was possible?...

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