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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Nyla Fields (11) is preparing to make a meal at her job, Sonic. Since COVID-19 cases have continued to grow higher, guidelines have been enforced including wearing a mask during work.

Students continue working jobs despite pandemic

Kyla Randle October 26, 2020

Though every student continues to adapt to an extraordinary school year, some face the additional challenge of working a job during a global pandemic. Despite the health risk, these students continue to...

Many students struggle with managing finances on their own. Learning to manage a budget is a vital skill when preparing to go off to college.

Broke on a budget: Managing finances as a student

Lydia Williams December 18, 2019

From going to school, applying to college, doing homework and keeping up with a busy social life, being a high schooler is difficult. Now, imagine maintaining a job at the same time. Working as a high...

What to expect when you accept

What to expect when you accept

Camryn Corbin, Student Life, Layout November 13, 2015

College season: seniors are consumed with applications and juniors are in testing mode. Adults are pestering sophomores and freshmen are figuring their future education plans. College is exciting but...

Raising minimum living

Natalie Scarbrough, Layout Editor January 13, 2014

“Money is the reason we exist, everybody knows it; it’s a fact,” said singer Lana del Rey in her power ballad “National Anthem.” For the modern person, money is living. Do you want...

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