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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Situationships offer a new twist to the intricate world of Generation Z  dating. Situationships are formed when two individuals form a non-exclusive relationship.

What’s the situationship with situationships

Adaria Crutcher, Managing Editor October 10, 2024

When two individuals fall in love, oxytocin, the love hormone, flows through their brains, causing them to develop a deeper bond. However, for some individuals, lust inhibits their oxytocin levels, causing...

All West happens every year at the Renasant Convention Center. Students from all around West Tennessee spent three days practicing for their performance.

White Station All West band preparation

Adaria Crutcher, Arts and Entertainment Team Leader February 10, 2024

Sweat drips through the hallways of Arlington High School. Students rapidly flip through their music awaiting their time slot’s arrival. Various instrument sounds stream through the air as All West creeps...

The ceiling of the Palace of Versailles, the former royal residency, is known for its abundance of medieval art. French students spent 10 days in France.

Vive la France — french students explore France

Adaria Crutcher, Writer May 1, 2023

Down the rues of France, the splatter of paint guides travelers to their next destination. They walk cautiously through the roads, dodging pages of the latest Vogue issue. They become hypnotized by the...

The cast of “12 Angry Jurors” receive a shower of flowers and applause after the last showing on Nov. 5.

A review and reflection of “12 Angry Jurors”

Elias Clements, Podcast Producer November 28, 2022

On the backside of the stage lights, the audience sinks into the hollow shadow of the auditorium and basks in the light of the actors up Olympus’ steps. They watch as the cast exchange moments of...

Students bundle up and chat in front of the trees as the weather changes and the trees begin to change color. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) differs from major depressive disorder in that it occurs at the same time each year and affects people of all ages and genders.

As days get shorter, seasonal depression kicks into full force

Ellen Tan, Writer October 25, 2022

From the warm summers to freezing winters, the shift in weather can also translate into behavior shifts which can affect one’s personal or academic life. This phenomenon is also known as seasonal...

Sulan Roachell (12) poses for the camera. Roachell is diagnosed with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and was diagnosed in 2022. Involved with the thespian society and Chorale at White Station, she enjoys anything to do with music.

Teaching, learning and living with ADHD

Katie Lamm, Editor-in-Chief April 5, 2022

Something always felt off. Sulan Roachell (12) had felt like her brain was going 100 miles per hour almost all her life. Focusing on school work was hard, finding motivation was hard and dealing with...

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