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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll


National Honors Society 2019 gets the ball rolling

Kennedy Ray, Editor in Chief September 12, 2019

The school season has begun, and so has the season of community service and high academics—at least for the select students who were inducted into White Station’s National Honors Society chapter. The...

There are two different methods for working in the classroom: the classic pen and paper or technology. Neither is the best choice to the other; each option has its own benefits and drawbacks in the classroom.

The case for technology in the classroom

Justin Kouch February 7, 2019

The benefits of having technology in the classroom heavily outweigh the drawbacks of not having any in the classroom. Using technology during class time allows students to collaborate on projects and...

With reins in hand, Kelly Anne Williams (11)  jumps over hurdles at the Germantown Charity Show Grounds, where she placed first in the speed round.

Spartan equestrians saddle up for competition

Graham Ross November 13, 2018

With over 25 years of experience between them, Rebecca Wills (12), Kelly Anne Williams (11) and Jackie Ann Crislip (10) all ride horses competitively. Although they do not participate in a traditional...

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