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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

(Right) Aylla Wexler (11) and her family pose in front of a giant Gundam figure during a 2023 trip to Japan. Wexler, who is half Japanese, and her family frequently travel to Japan to visit extended family.

The best of both worlds: Multicultural students

Jill Allert, Online Editor October 18, 2024

White Station High School students come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Some students identify with multiple cultures, which can lead to a different experience compared to those who identify...

Masaji Terasawa, “The Candyman,” performs magic tricks and tells stories to crowds at the Memphis Japan Festival. The festival took place on Nov. 7 where crowds enjoyed exploring the food park, performance areas and vendors.

Memphis Japan Festival: a celebration with art, music and food

CJ Santo, Writer December 7, 2021

The boom of the taiko drums resonates through the Botanic Garden as Harrison Moffatt (12) explores inviting merchandise booths and aromatic food trucks. After stopping to watch a street performer sculpt...

Over the course of their six-week stay, Min and Shi underwent a completely immersive language program. The trip, which the two had been planning for more than a year, encompassed both instructional time in a school setting and activities for cultural exposure in the city of Hokkaido.

Min and Shi attend Language School in Japan

Rachel Parkison, Student Life Team Leader November 5, 2019
“I became more confident with my Japanese, but I also became more confident as a person,” said Ellie Min (11).
Kaitlin Mottley (11) smiles for a picture with students from Itoman Prefectural

Spartans spend summer making new memories

Summer. Many students’ favorite time of year. A time when students can leave behind worries and relax. But not all students spend this time lounging by the pool. This summer, many Spartans embarked on...

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