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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

 Girl Up club members smile and eat cookies on their zoom call regarding current events. In the “Cookies and Current Events” meeting club members discussed women’s safety while baking cookies.

New club empowers spartan women

Jackie Ann Crislip, Online Editor April 22, 2021

The idea of women supporting women is increasingly present, not only in society as a whole but in the culture at White Station. Mandy Cassius (11) and Sandy Nguyen (11), the co-Presidents and founders...

 The poster announcing the continuation of Wordsmith over zoom calls. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 2021 Wordsmith Writing Olympics was held virtually over zoom.

Wordsmith takes gold at local Writing Olympics

Jackie Ann Crislip, Online Editor April 22, 2021

Ready, set, write! The Spartan WordSmith team dominated at the 2021 WordSmith Writing Olympics despite the seemingly endless challenges of COVID-19.  The team earned an impressive total of thirteen...

Carolina Calvo (8) poses new to two fellow Young Women Against Injustice members and a representitive of NAACP Memphis. YWAI’s first voter registration drive was held at Memphis Rox and succeeded in registering 80 people.

Young women fight for their political voice

Jackie Ann Crislip, Online Editor October 24, 2020

Since 1765, with calls for no taxation without representation, Americans have fought to have their voices heard, and yet, around half of the population today doesn’t vote. With the Presidential election...

White Station High School is striving to form a water polo team. This competitive sport requires the player to swim while also performing volleyball and soccer style moves.

Water Polo coming to WSHS

Jackie Ann Crislip February 12, 2020

Seven swimmers. Two floating nets. One yellow-green ball. These are the components that make up water polo which is widely considered to be one of the toughest modern sports. “ [ Water polo] is described...

The Spartan Cheer Team poses for a picture after hyping up the crowd at a football game. The team had a successful season, placing second at the MidSouth Regional Cheer Competition.

2019 cheer season recap

Jackie Ann Crislip January 6, 2020

Their time spent in the spotlight has ended. Pom-poms glittering in the light as they finish their routine, breathless and waiting for the final notes of the music to fade away. The Spartan 2019 cheer...

Meet your school nurse

Meet your school nurse

Lydia Williams March 5, 2018

A boy with a bloody nose. A girl with a headache. A student who is feeling sick. All of these people have one thing in common: they need to pay a visit to the school nurse. “The school nurse? I didn’t...

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