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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

George Metcalf (12), a catalyst for White Station now having an arboretum, nails on a label to a tree on White Sation’s campus. With over 30 trees on campus, over 30 labels had to be written and made for each type of tree.

The Arboretum in White Station: A Gift From the Metcalfs

Katie Lamm, Writer December 9, 2019

Taking over 50 hours and plenty of yard work, White Station has more than 30 types of trees, and now officially has an arboretum, thanks to Corrie and George Metcalf (12). Having an arboretum, a collection...

 Counselors use the brand new outdoor classroom to interact with parents at Open House, answering any questions that were on parents’ minds. This was an opportunity to allow parents to get to know their child’s counselor for the next few years.

Sparta opens their doors for parents

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader September 20, 2019

A new year means another set of teachers and classes for parents to get to know, and Open House was the perfect opportunity for Spartan parents to do so. On August 29, 2019, White Station opened its doors...

George Metcalf (10) and his mother, Corrie Metcalf, collect honey from colonies in their own backyard.

Student beekeeper hosts his own bee colonies

Lydia Williams April 16, 2018

A buzz fills the air. George Metcalf (10) and his mother, Corrie Metcalf, are in their backyard doing something unique. They are harvesting honey from their own bee colonies.   For the past six or...

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