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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Shakira Townsend (12) serves the ball at the district championship against SBA on September 22nd. They won 3 serves out of 5 that day.

Lady Spartans are Class AAA champions

Grace Amgalan, Writer October 26, 2022

One of White Station’s biggest rivals, the Germantown Devils, were defeated by Lady Spartans on both the volleyball court and soccer field the first time they faced the Spartans this season. With...

Members of the Amnesty Club place their painted handprints on a banner in solidarity of the gun violence crisis. The group received recognition from Amnesty International USA for their efforts in breaking the cycle of gun violence.

America’s most dangerous city

Alice Willard, Head of Layout January 27, 2022

Gunshots echo through the streets and bullets ricochet as Memphians endure the dangerous gun violence that plagues the city. After a Wall St. study declared Memphis the most dangerous city in the United...

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