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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

 Kyra Richard (11) with makeup in the style of Shironuri. Richard has been doing this makeup style for the past two years.

Makeup artists at White Station

Lei'lah Stocklin, Writer December 2, 2023

Rathsathida Rasasack (12) has always done makeup, but recently started The Rassy Glamistry on Instagram where one can book her for a look this past September.  “I always did makeup for other people...

The eccentric cover for “Boss” reflects the song’s bold and carefree message. Listeners can stream Boughter’s music on SoundCloud, Spotify and Apple Music and find updates about the rapper on Instagram (@jonasbvalli).

Boughter is the boss in new comeback single

Molly Yuan, Chief Copy Editor April 15, 2021

Following a year-long hiatus, up-and-coming rapper Jonas Boughter (12) returns with his new single “Boss,” a composition that emboldens, inspires and intimidates its listeners all at once.  “I...

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