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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Samantha McGuire (9), Lia Turner (10), and Amirah Alshujaa (10) are embracing their curls. They each have a unique style of curly hair.

Let loose and embrace those curls

Sherlyn Gutierrez-Herrera, Writer November 2, 2024

It is 5 a.m., and you are in a haze. With half-opened, heavy eyes, you walk into the clutter of your bathroom to refresh your curls. As you grab your hair materials, you  notice open jars of gel lying...

Kayleigh Angona (10) ends the match by pinning her opponent to the ground. Angona placed first overall in this tournament.

Lady Spartans receive title of First Girls Wrestling Champions

Aashrita Marpadaga, Online Editor January 8, 2024

After months of intense conditioning, weight-training and drilling, the Lady Spartans finally went up for another match. The Lady Spartans Wrestling Team placed first after competing against Bartlett High...

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