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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Even at schools in Memphis, campus security has been increased as more colleges are viewed as unsafe. Public universities, at this rate, will eventually catch up with private campus security, though it is debatable as to whether either type of school will arm themselves to the same degree as military campuses.

Campus safety comes under fire

Autumn Bobo March 27, 2020

  Student uproar. Parent outcry. Teacher protest. As schools face an increasing number of violent incidents, college campuses have come under scrutiny with people calling for security modifications. Even...

The Intermediate Orchestra and Advanced Honors Orchestra combined forces to play two traditional holiday finale pieces. They performed “We Need a Little Christmas” as well as a “Mother Ginger” from the play “The Nutcracker.”

Sleigh ride to White Station’s holiday concert

Justin Kouch, Viewpoint Team Leader December 18, 2019

The discord of instruments tuning slowly turned into a melodious harmony, resonating through the White Station auditorium. On Dec. 9, the Intermediate Orchestra and Advanced Honors Orchestra put on...

Despite the growing amount of social media sites allowing people to post and share information anytime and anywhere they want, teens have to be aware of certain internet safety precautions.

The importance of internet safety in the realm of social media

Justin Kouch December 18, 2018

Yoohoo. Ding. Swoosh. The sounds of social media ring through our lives, controlling what we do every day. The vast amount of choices for social media allows everyone to text, tweet, snap or post anything...

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