Gorgeous dresses, lively music and countless photos. Before the class of ‘23 dons their graduation caps, they go out to party and have fun one last time in their high school career. The 2023 White Station Prom happens May 6, and many are very excited for the event.
Prom is one of the key aspects of high school; it is typically one of the most anticipated events for graduating students. Many see prom as a rite of passage for completing their high school journey. Most seniors attend their year’s prom because of how interwoven the event is with graduation. It can symbolize a coming-of-age for some, especially those whose senior prom is also their first.
“I feel like it’s something that every high schooler should be able to experience, being able to go to a local event that’s held by the community to socialize and bring people together and make memories that will last a lifetime, ” Nathan Fonseca (12) said. “You are only in here once, so might as well make the most of it.”
Socially, prom is also seen as a last hurrah for students to party and socialize with their friends before they are released for graduation. Many students go to prom with friend groups that they have been around for their entire high school journey, so prom becomes the final culmination of their social life in high school.
“It’s kind of a high school milestone for me,” Nedda Aflaki (12) said. “You know, it’s like one of your last hurrahs right before you leave. It’s a chance for you to hang out with your friends, have fun, spend a ton of money trying to look good, and just have a great time.”
While prom conventionally involves couples asking each other out and going together, friend groups go together just as frequently. Going with a group of several friends transforms prom from its traditional one-on-one romantic connection into a pleasant, cherished memory for the entire group.
“I grew up with these people my whole life,” Fonseca said. “It’s just really endearing that I get to share an experience like that with the people that I love the most that I’ve cultivated actual connections and relationships with.”
The intense emotions that go into anticipating prom are a unique experience for attending students. Prom is quite romanticized as a high school closure, so many are looking forward to it.
“I feel like I would probably feel really euphoric [during prom],” Amira Rabaa (12) said. “It’s just that boost of energy you get, hanging out with your friends, maybe stirring up a little drama.”
This year, White Station students can bring students from other schools to prom as guests. Permitting out-of-school guests greatly increases the range of possible attendees for prom. It allows for friends groups that span across different schools to still partake in a capstone of their social experience in high school despite their physical separation.
“I think it’ll cultivate more of a diverse atmosphere,” Fonseca said. “White Station is already diverse enough as is, but we aren’t gonna see the same familiar faces. We are gonna be able to bring people that our mutual friends all know, and we can all have a better time because it’s not just people from the school, it’s people from our social circle.”
The tradition of prom dances will likely continue to be the culmination of graduating students’ social lives for years to come. It represents the end of seniors’ high school journey; it serves as a reward for their hard work throughout high school.
“Prom is a great time and it’s something that every high school student should experience before they graduate,” Aflaki said.