Dr. King’s legacy lives on

Dr. Martin Luther is presenting one of his most famous speeches, I Have A Dream in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963. The speech was one of the key factors for equal rights among African-Americans.

Kyla Randle

Dr. Martin Luther is presenting one of his most famous speeches, “I Have A Dream” in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963. The speech was one of the key factors for equal rights among African-Americans.

In the 1900s, racism was one of the most talked and experienced problems happening in the world between Caucasians and African-Americans over not having equality. 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most famous icons and speakers for African Americans. He helped manifest and fight that race was just a word and that a black person was just as equal and capable of the same things as a white person was equal and capable of. 

 Mary Pittman (10) is glad that Dr. King paved the way for her and many others to live in today’s society. 

“I think that without Dr. King, a lot of today’s everyday routines would not be the same without his actions during the Civil Rights movement,” Pittman said. 

During the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King paved a path for African-Americans to be seen as “equal” to Caucasians. Most of his work was done for African-Americans to be treated equally and right. 

“Dr. King showed African-Americans that they could state their peace and stand up to people that didn’t respect them,” Pittman said.

One of his most important and powerful speeches of all of his speeches was ‘I Have A Dream’ which was spoken in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial.

“I believe that was the moment that people realized Dr. King’s speech was the sign everyone was looking for in life,” Pittman said.

Dr. King’s speech was important that it brought even greater attention to the Civil Rights Movement and made Congress move faster in passing the Civil Rights Act.

Without Dr. Martin Luther King’s important leadership and fighting skills, society would not be able to live up to its potential.