Student council members decorate White Station hallways

Student council members including teacher Curt Rakestraw create paper snowflakes. This is part of the effort to create winter themed hallways.

As students enter the main building entrance, their wandering eye will meet the twinkling lights of holiday fairy string lights, cut-outs of snowmen and snowflakes. These decorations are due to the efforts of the White Station student council. 

“The student council had our monthly meeting because we feel like the school spirit dies around the end of the semester,” Nope Alabes(10) said. “By decorating the hallways, we hope to liven up the school environment a little bit.”

The decorations are not only to make the school environment homier, but also to help the mental health of students who suffer from end- of- semester blues or even seasonal depression. 

“At the end of the year, people give up,” E-Board member Chinnu Alli(12) said. “Hopefully the decorations can lift their spirits just the tiniest bit.”

The decorations were inclusive of all religions by just focusing on winter-themed decorations rather than just Christian holiday, Christmas. The next time a student enters White Station, they will meet a winter wonderland rather than the bland hallways.