Michael Garcia
What’s a fun fact about yourself that most people do not know?
“I have seen both the northern lights and the midnight sun.”
Would you say you are more like the sun, the moon or the stars? Why?
“I’d like to think I’m more like the moon but probably more like the stars and stubborn and unmoving.”
Where is your dream vacation?
“Ooh, gosh, I’ve traveled so much. Oh, [the] top of my bucket list is to go to New Zealand and visit the site of the set of Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings and have a pint in the Green Dragon pub.”
Do you believe in ghosts, aliens or supernatural beings? Why or why not?
“Depends on what time of day you ask me. Generally, no; I think aliens exist, but I don’t believe they visited Earth. It’s just [that] the gulf of space is too far. I have experienced things that fall under the traditional description of a haunting. I don’t have an explanation for them, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I believe in ghosts.”

Angelica Shirley
What’s a fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know?
“I hold the … honorary keys to the city of Tupelo, Mississippi, where Elvis Presley was born.”
What is something most people do not know about the class/subject you teach?
“[Most people don’t know] that [Spanish] has a lot of similarities in vocabulary with Russian, and that it has many similarities in phonetics with Japanese.”
Do you believe in ghosts, aliens or supernatural beings? Why or why not?
“I do believe in the supernatural because I believe in God and the fact that he created the world and all of us. So if I believe in God, then I also believe in angels, and I also believe in demons. [I don’t believe in] aliens, but ghosts — like not the scary ghosts — but ghosts can also be spirits. So, yeah, [I believe] in spirits, yes.”