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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Showdown of school apps

Showdown of school apps

Kirana Richmond, Head of Promotions March 22, 2024

“I don’t mind getting sidetracked...all that stuff keeps everybody engaged,” Curt Rakestraw said. “Yeah, the bureaucracy is boring, but you never know when this maniac is going to start talking about what he saw on TV yesterday. That part is good, but it’s really hard to do that part by myself."

At home in the classroom

Autumn Bobo, Head of Layout January 10, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has yielded a number of changes to the average school day, including utilizing Microsoft TEAMS instead of an in-person setting. Teachers and students both have had to adapt to functioning...

Jacob Roberts (12) drives to the rim in a club showcase. This year, club basketball carries more weight than it normally would, as many players don’t know if they will be able to play for the school.

SCS decision was tough, but the handling of it was far worse

Ian McMillin, Sports Team Leader December 9, 2020

2020 has been a year defined by heartbreak. Almost everyone has lost something (or someone) to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the postponement of fall sports, which is effectively a cancellation, serves as...

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