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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Destiny Davenport (9) and Charlie Russell (9) are ready to work together to support the ninth grade. They were elected as Freshman Class Officers.

Freshmen Officers

Celeste Cruz, Writer October 22, 2023

Destiny Davenport (9) and Charlie Russell (9) begin their high school career as leaders of their grade. The two went to White Station Middle together and were already a productive team before they ran...

Jadarekko Austin (10) and Kayla Burton (10) have similar goals and ideas when it comes to helping their grade. The pair was elected by the sophomore class to be their class officers.

Sophomore class officers

Celeste Cruz, Writer October 22, 2023

Kayla Burton (10) and Jadarreko Austin (10) were elected to work together to lead the class of 2026. Both officers want their second year of high school to be better than their first. “Me and my friends...

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