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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

For last year's FRC, Team 5045 built a robot to the theme of "Deep Space." It was designed to place a "cargo" ball into the sides of a "rocket." Their robot was, in fact, able to accomplish this.

Robotics club looks forward to new year of competition

Annie Leow, Managing Editor September 6, 2019

“The spread of gracious professionalism to the next generation of STEM students.”  This is how Jake Du (11), the head of Business, describes White Station’s Robotics Club. Ready to launch into...

 Students lose their artistic ability over time.

Does high school stifle creativity?

Courtney Mitchell, Viewpoint Team Leader February 28, 2018

Hayden Thornton (10) studiously completes her project for Pre-AP English. Whereas her project fits the rigid structure set by the rubric, her mind files a million miles an hour, contemplating all the creative...

Plans for new student courtyard and green space gain traction

Keyarash Hatamzadeh, Editor in Chief October 1, 2017

514 S. Perkins Road. Since the founding of White Station High School, this address has been the grounds on which thousands of students have ventured. As students come and go, however, the campus usually...

Rosie the Riveter’s “We Can Do It!” in code

SysSTEMatic sexism

Tanya Tandon, Viewpoint Team Leader December 4, 2016

What do you see when you hear “computer programmer” or “math genius?” A socially awkward kid who spends time practicing calculus? Perhaps. But notice that the kid is probably male. With the...

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