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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Collapsed on a comfy chair, Andy Blumberg (11) takes a quick nap in the middle of his day. Many students relate to the exhaustion from working late and getting little sleep: a phenomenon called revenge bedtime procrastination.

It’s time for revenge, not sleep

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader December 7, 2021

It is 1 a.m. and after hours of homework, it is finally time to get some rest. Or is it? Instead of going to bed, many choose a lifestyle of dark under eye circles and caffeine, delaying sleep for some...

Teenagers in this day and age suffer from mental health issues because of the daily stressors and ever-increasing expectations. But with a little more sleep, exercise, and positivity, living the life of a hard-working high schooler can get better.

Mental Health in 2020

Kennedy Ray January 6, 2020

Alas, we arrive at another year, another semester. It is important to realize that as students, we needed that winter break. But as we look forward and face the remaining half of the year, we should also...

AP status, sleep and sanity

Courtney Wright, Editor in Chief April 20, 2016

As courses are chosen for the Fall 2016 semester, the pressure is on to compete with other students. Harder courses are often chosen, not because of their educational value, but because of the social status...

Zombie high

Zombie high

Kate Blankinship September 30, 2013

Is the snooze button your best friend? High school students starting school at seven is, to be blunt, one of the most nonsensical decisions the Shelby County School System has made. Teenagers need...

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