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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Booksellers' storefront closing banner.

So long, Booksellers

Sarah Liu, Student Life May 22, 2017

Tears have been shed, petitions have been made, and word has spread: Booksellers at Laurelwood is officially closing by the end of February. For years, the locally-owned bookstore has been a destination...

Money or AP?

The cost of Advanced Placement

Sarah Liu, Layout, Student Life December 14, 2016

November. AP fees are due: $93 per test. In comes May, AP-testing month: whether or not you pass lies upon your own shoulders. So, is $93 affordable? Is it worth it? Each student has his or her reason...

Atrium Concept      Designshop/Used With Permission

A new White Station

Sarah Liu, Student Life November 2, 2016

A new STEM building, an amped up library, a track and field arena: these are just a few structures of Richard Myers’ renovation plans for White Station that were proposed to and accepted by the board. Richard...

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