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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Members of the JROTC program at White Station High School study with each other for boards. Participants are given several different study sources in order to prepare for the competition.

JROTC cadets go before the board

Erin Maury, Business Manager March 22, 2024

For the past few months, select members of the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program have participated in a series of voluntary interviews that test various areas of their knowledge in...

Cadets who participated in the mass inspection pose for a commemorative photo shortly following the event. The cadets each came back from various events, such as the staff briefing, the drill assessment, the portfolio evaluation or the service learning presentation.

JPA Mass Inspection challenges JROTC cadets

Evan Easley, Lead Copyeditor December 12, 2023

Drill movements, interviews, presentations and dozens of cadets in uniform. These are just some of the sights one may see on Oct. 19, the day of White Station’s AJROTC mass inspection. The Joint Program...

The leader of the JROTC Knowledge Bowl, Sarah Terhune (11), talks to Second Lieutenant Andrew Yount (10) before the competition. The team beat Cordova High School, one of their toughest competitors.

JROTC knowledge bowl team prepares for another successful year

Madeline Breunig, Writer December 8, 2022

Marching in line to achieve another victory, the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) frantically studies and memorizes possible questions word for word for their upcoming knowledge bowl...

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