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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

White Station YIG delegation poses for a picture on the steps of the Tennessee State Capitol Building.

Youth in Government paves the way for student-led political participation

Sarah Liu, Student Life April 16, 2018

“I’m just a bill. Yes, I’m only a bill. And I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill.” School House Rock’s “I’m Just a Bill” details the journey of a bill, but in Youth in Government’s case,...

Zack Roder (12) checks his Bitcoin stocks.

Students explore stocks and cryptocurrency

Sarah Liu March 9, 2018

One minute your bank account is swimming in investment money, and the next it all disappears. Each year Marketing I and Economics students at White Station participate in the stock game to help them...

Student volunteers cheer on St. Jude runners and walkers in the annual marathon.

Students run for a cure in the St. Jude Marathon

Sarah Liu, Student Life January 23, 2018

St. Jude is a world-renowned pediatric research center and hospital based in downtown Memphis. Danny Thomas founded the nonprofit organization in 1962 based on the the idea that “no child should die...

Anup Challa (12) presents his research on orthostatic hypotension at NCUR.

Challa’s road to scientific conquest

Sarah Liu, Student Life May 23, 2017

From winning competitions to publishing papers to being accepted by the Royal Society of Biology, there is no stopping Anup Challa (12) from achieving his goals in the medical field. Since he was...

Booksellers' storefront closing banner.

So long, Booksellers

Sarah Liu, Student Life May 22, 2017

Tears have been shed, petitions have been made, and word has spread: Booksellers at Laurelwood is officially closing by the end of February. For years, the locally-owned bookstore has been a destination...

Kirsten Todd (12) and Shannon Donlon (12) proofreading papers.

The life of a TA

Sarah Liu, Student Life April 18, 2017

Just like Santa, teachers are busy people, and they need their own elves, who we know as “TAs” (teacher’s assistants). Behind the scenes in a classroom, these TAs ensure that tests and quizzes are...

Money or AP?

The cost of Advanced Placement

Sarah Liu, Layout, Student Life December 14, 2016

November. AP fees are due: $93 per test. In comes May, AP-testing month: whether or not you pass lies upon your own shoulders. So, is $93 affordable? Is it worth it? Each student has his or her reason...

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