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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

The Spartan swim team posing for a picture after the Shelby County meet where they came in seventh place as a team.

Spartan swimmers make a splash at state

Ben Charney March 19, 2018

Roland Chang (12), the captain of the 2017-2018 White Station swimming team, looks to lead his squad of swimmers to victory this season. Since the beginning of the season in fall, Chang and his team continue...

Roland Chang (10) passes the ball to his teammate during the SBA vs CBHS match.

The new sport in town

Anonymous April 25, 2016

Ball is life. This expression is mainly used for basketball, but there’s a new sport swimming its way into the city of Memphis: water polo. Typically a northern sport, water polo was first organized...

Swimmer Roland Chang (10) showing off his talent at a swim meet.

Stroke of success

Keyarash Hatamzadeh, Writer, Sports April 12, 2016

Breath. Stroke. Breath. Stroke. This is the rhythm in every swimmer’s mind as they race to the end of their lane. The 2015-16 swimming season has been one of the more successful swimming seasons in the...

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