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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Muaz Khan (12) builds his upper body strength with push-ups. When he is not at the gym, he does pull-ups, push-ups, and ab exercises.

On a team of their own

Graham Ross April 9, 2020

With the stress of extracurriculars and the school day, many students turn to exercise as a way to stay fit and blow off steam. Three of these workout warriors are Emmett Campbell (11), Muaz Khan (12)...

 As 2019 comes to an end, memes have changed a lot in the past decade. It started with “Bad Luck Bryan” and “Nyan Cat” and has evolved over the years to “Baby Yoda” and “Vibe Checks.”

The deeper meaning of memes

Hayden Thornton January 6, 2020

A white guy blinking, Spongebob, Pikachu and Peppa Pig. Four seemingly unrelated things that bring up the same image in everyone’s mind: memes. In 2019, it’s hard not to know what a meme is. Memes...

Kanye West's album, "Jesus is King," debuted on Oct. 25, 2019. It reached the top of the Billboard 200 Albums Chart after his release.

“Jesus is King” Album Review

Charlie Huebner November 14, 2019

For Kanye West fans, Oct. 25, 2019 was a much better day than Sept. 29, 2018. In 2018, West, the renowned rapper, producer and songwriter, tweeted that the “Yandhi” album would drop on Sept. 29. However,...

Junior Muaz Khan describes his group's chart comparing topics in chapter four of Outliers  to visiting groups. Mrs. Alsobrook's AP Lang classes have been studying the book for the past few weeks and determining their own definitions of success.

Alsobrook’s AP Lang classes take a gallery walk for Outliers

Kennedy Ray, Business Manager February 26, 2019

Last Thursday, Mrs. Alsobrook’s AP Language and Composition classes held gallery walks to discuss some content in their current book, Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. Specifically,...

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