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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Hatler poses with his newly bought signs. A multitude of signs were placed both in his district and around the school.

High school senior runs for Memphis city council

Megan Shipp, Viewpoint Team Leader December 14, 2023

Most have never heard of a high schooler running for the local political office, but that did not stop Luke Hatler (12). Hatler always planned to be involved in politics. What started as a joke between...

 President Ramyla Dahmer (12) (left) and vice president Thomas Riley (12) (right).

The 2022-2023 class presidents and class vice presidents

Sophia Turner, Online Editor October 4, 2022

The class of 2023 will be led by Ramyla Dahmer (12) as their senior class president this year. Dahmer has a passion for leadership and is working hard to fulfill her position’s demands. She has one main...

According to Next Avenue, an “ally” is someone who supports LGBTQ people and equality in its many forms — both publicly and privately. It is essential for heterosexual, cisgender people to not only support the community, but be a proud and public ally.

Being part of the LGBTQ+ community as a teen

Sophia Campbell, News and Feature Team Leader December 7, 2021

It’s everywhere, creeping in every corner. It’s in our neighborhoods, haunting us. It’s in our schools, terrorizing us. It can even be in places of worship, misinforming us. It's unavoidable. Prejudice...

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