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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Ivan Dam (11), second to the left, stands with his host mom, host sister, roommate and host dad. In the summer of 2024, Dam spent two months living with them through the summer language immersion program, NSLI-Y.

8,000 miles from home — Dam’s experience in Taiwan

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor October 1, 2024

Waking up the next morning was going to be hard. It was 10 p.m. and he had to get up in only seven hours. Ivan Dam (11) had just flown from Kaohsiung, Taiwan to Memphis, Tennessee — just in time for...

Learning is not only restricted to in-school learning but also all across the internet. Alexandra Shirley (10) recommends listening to podcasts in your language through Podbean.

Online language learning: opportunity or obstacle?

Dottie Young, Writer January 4, 2021

With the world at students’ fingertips — or in this case keys — it may seem easy for them to learn a language with just the click of a button. Courses like Japanese, Chinese and Spanish are offered...

Past student helps a current student in piano lessons at Mr. Jackson’s Strive School of Music.

Mr. Jackson’s beat in practice

Isis Davis March 5, 2018

Spartans have always had a reputation for striving to achieve excellence. One staff member takes this value to his music. Kent Jackson leads a life in Shelby County Schools and in music for youth. The...

Paul Jennemann having fun while reviewing Spanish with his students

Language courses and the end of the year

Joseph Boughter May 19, 2016

Throughout White Station, students everywhere are reviewing for their end-of-course exams. However, one type of course has an exam that is different from all others: language. Without an EOC, reviewing...

Rickshaw on the street in front of a food vendor in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Don’t be a typical tourist

Tanya Tandon, Viewpoint, Online Editor May 13, 2016
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” ― Mark Twain
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