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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Kenneth Hollowell (10) places his hands on Dat Hoang (12) to support him as Hoang guards the back of Kyle Nagel (12). Nagel grips the jersey of Caleb Frambo (11), forming a ruck to retain possession of the ball despite the successful tackle against Frambo by the towering opponent. The Spartan rugby team emerged victorious from this game in the Battle of Memphis tournament.

Boys rugby team wraps up sevens season while head coach goes professional

Michelle Le, Managing Editor November 5, 2021

Six players dig their heels into an open field as a teammate takes the kick-off in front of them. The pungent odor of grass and sweat captures their senses, and clear communication rings in their ears...

Kyle Nagel (11) plays Horton in New Spark Performing Arts’ Seussical Jr. The well-known saying, “The show must go on!” was embodied through the casts’ efforts to make this musical a success despite issues thrown their way from COVID.

Spartans play big roles in New Spark’s Seussical Jr.

Sophia Aiello, Writer December 9, 2020

With friends and family all gathered in their own cars, the audience is ready for the performance to begin. New Spark Performing Arts adapted to COVID regulations by hosting a drive-in showing of their...

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