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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

2023 and 2024 Scroll alumni

2023 and 2024 Scroll alumni

Adaria Crutcher, Managing Editor March 24, 2025

Kingston Barber ‘23 Barber is a sophomore at Georgia Institute of Technology, majoring in Psychology. He does not write for his university’s newspaper but plans to edit for it soon. Barber was on...

While bell bottoms and disco are often the first things that come to mind when one pictures the 1970s, White Station is defined by much more. During this period, Noble Hicks served as principal, fostering White Station’s recently added JROTC and then added tradition of Queen of Clubs.

A history of excellence

Kingston Barber, Editor in Chief May 15, 2023

From desegregation, to a secret newspaper, to a rat infestation, White Station High School has been put through its paces. However, these pitfalls have only led to greater success: in turn, White Station...

A nationally competing gymnast and verbally committed to Auburn, Olivia Ahern (11) poses with her multiple medals. Training since she was two-years-old, her experience with gymnastics has been a journey, but a rewarding one.

Ahern twins captivate the field and floor

Kingston Barber, Editor in Chief October 3, 2022

From two toddler tumblers rolling across the matted floor to high school athletes — a college level gymnast and four-star football player — Logan and Olivia Ahern (11) would begin their athletic...

 Due to the revisions to Policy 5014 and Policy 5015, Memphis Shelby County Schools has switched to a 10-point grading scale. This adjustment gives students a buffer for getting an A and 10 more points before they fail.

Students give new grading scale an A+

Kingston Barber, Editor in Chief September 13, 2022

Some knew it as the scourge of the earth, others as the final straw; the horror that haunts every overachiever’s dreams: the infamous 90 — a B. However, with the turn of the 2022-2023 school year,...

As the war in Ukraine continues to rage, the lives of many students are disrupted. With families from all over Europe represented in the student body, a battle within the hearts of many students is also being waged while the fighting occurs in Ukraine.

Effects of the Russia-Ukraine war felt thousands of miles away

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader April 4, 2022

Families flee in masses, overwhelming nearby countries. Messages are monitored and media censored as Russia goes off the grid. Childhoods explode into shrapnel and ugly, devastating craters as bombs tear...

Curt Rakestraw (left), Mike Stephenson and Kyle Tingley (right) host an impromptu informational meeting afterschool on Friday, Feb. 25 about the developing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. With misinformation proliferating the media and student fears growing, Tingley uses this meeting to assuage concerns of the student body and direct them to more accurate sources, such as The Associated Press (AP), National Public Radio (NPR), or even websites such as Vox.

Tingley spearheads informative meeting on Russia and Ukraine conflict

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader February 28, 2022

Fear. Confusion. Anger. People around the world felt a range of emotions as the news hit: Russia has invaded Ukraine. To get a jump on any of the concerns students may have had, DC American History II...

While the traditional and optional programs have many differences, students from each can still come together to enjoy various activities during and after school. Kathy Lam (11) and Macaya Wright (11) maintain a close friendship despite coming from two different programs.

White Station students navigate divide between traditional and optional programs

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader February 27, 2022

Two kids. Best friends. All through elementary and middle school, they shared everything — time, secrets, a few test answers. But as they entered high school, one thing stood between them: optional and...

Introversion and extroversion are two psychological principles that describe how people act in certain situations. Knowledge of these personalities can be used to help people understand themselves and others.

Introversion vs. extroversion: how these psychological principles affect daily life

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader January 27, 2022

Some may have only heard about extroversion and introversion in passing as a quirky conversation starter or some middle schooler’s brief obsession, but it is much more than that. It is a way to know...

Extra credit is an opportunity for struggling students to achieve their desired grade on an assignment. In today’s hectic world, there are many reasons why students might not get the best grades, making extra credit an effective way to lessen a student’s stress about school.

Extra credit: a much needed sigh of relief

Renata Bayazitova and Kingston Barber January 25, 2022

Extra credit has always been a good opportunity for students to learn something new or practice a skill more in exchange for additional points. It has a lot of helpful additions to a student’s learning...

Collapsed on a comfy chair, Andy Blumberg (11) takes a quick nap in the middle of his day. Many students relate to the exhaustion from working late and getting little sleep: a phenomenon called revenge bedtime procrastination.

It’s time for revenge, not sleep

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader December 7, 2021

It is 1 a.m. and after hours of homework, it is finally time to get some rest. Or is it? Instead of going to bed, many choose a lifestyle of dark under eye circles and caffeine, delaying sleep for some...

Thursday, Oct. 14, Biden signs off on a $480 billion increase to the nation’s debt ceiling, staving off a government shutdown until Dec. 3. While raising the debt ceiling is usually a simple process, the political agendas surrounding this year’s vote have made the process much more controversial.

What happens when the money runs out?

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader November 21, 2021

The United States is trillions of dollars in debt. 28.9 trillion to be specific. And each year Congress votes to raise the debt ceiling, putting the U.S. further in debt in order to spend more money on...

Monday, Sept. 17, Christopher Valle (12) was hit by a student speeding in the parking lot. The ambulance and police rushed to White Station as chaos ensued on campus.

Safety at school — or the lack thereof

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader October 3, 2021

A thud reverberates from the senior parking lot. A crowd begins to form — then suddenly police sirens erupt through the chatter, and an ambulance rushes onto campus. The news spreads: a student has been...

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