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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Khylen Murray (12) celebrates the last football game on Oct. 27, 2022. Murray and Alyssa Winston (12) were the only seniors on the 2022-23 football cheer team.

Murray challenges cheerleading gender norms

Hannah Lam, Sports Team Leader May 1, 2023

Pom-poms, mini skirts and hair bows often represent the epitome of a cheerleader. However, Khylen Murray (12) disbands what most people view as a stereotypical cheerleader as the only male on the Spartan...

This feature, unique to BeReal, allows users to see how many times a friend retook a photo before deciding to post. While this was meant to promote posting the first photo a user takes, many have begun to slowly ignore this notion and use retakes, enforcing the idea that BeReal posts may not be as real as they seem.


Sari Richmond, Managing Editor October 6, 2022

A person approaches you on the street at a random time and demands you take a photo. Do you obey? Probably not. Most people do not like being told what to do — so why do 2.7 million people in the U.S....

Spirit of the Season, Treble Corps’s latest video, features a collection of cheery, winter holiday themed songs. Their channel, “WSHS Spartan Battalion”, is easily accessible and can be found on Youtube.

Monthly Acapella: Treble Corps’s new series

Dottie Young, Writer April 26, 2021

The camera flashes red, and JROTC's acapella group Treble Corps begins to sing, echoing a warm melody throughout the venue. Most students at White Station are familiar with the JROTC program but may have...

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