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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Emily Greenberg’s book, ‘Alternative Facts,’ is a collection of satirical short stories focusing on prominent figures in the current American political climate. ‘Alternative Facts,’ published in 2025, is Greenberg’s first book, and its stories have won multiple awards.

Straight truths or ‘Alternative Facts’

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor March 18, 2025

Everybody lies — at least once in their life. If someone says they’ve never lied, they probably just did. One might lie for an honorable reason or for a nefarious reason. One might conceal the truth...

On a cold December morning, Key Club members volunteered at cheer stations for the annual St. Jude Marathon. Over 100 members volunteered at this event, where they cheered and handed out snacks to marathon runners.

The key to success, the key to Key Club

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor February 21, 2025

In 2024, the U.S. Census found that 11.5% of Americans fell below the poverty line. This number is almost doubled in Memphis, TN, reaching 22.5%. As many of these citizens are unable to purchase necessities...

Cannon Barron (12) is a teacher assistant (TA) for George Richardson’s 4th period Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry class. Part of Barron and his fellow TAs’ job is to prepare labs for the students who take AP Chemistry.

From classmate to class aide — teacher assistants

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor February 2, 2025

Teachers are often swamped with work. Hundreds of students rush in and out of their classrooms each week, leaving behind massive stacks of papers to read, grade and return. Having an extra set of hands...

White Station High School students (from left to right) Danny Huang (12), Navya Naik (12) and Douglas Scarboro (12) all traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to participate in the Global Model World Health Organization conference. They were able to attend through the University of Memphis’ public health program.

Spartans take on global health in Geneva

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor December 9, 2024

After hours of debating, discussing and drafting, the council had reached a consensus on how they would handle current public health threats the world is facing. This council, however, was not the real...

White Station High School students Samuel First (11), pictured on the far left, and Zahra Altareb (11), pictured second to left, are both members of the MICAH Youth Council. Both First and Altareb spoke at a press conference discussing the gun referendums that were found on the most recent election ballot.

A vote of confidence — MICAH Youth Council

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor November 19, 2024

Press conferences, city council meetings and counting votes. None of these events are something a high school student would be involved in, right? At White Station High School (WSHS), many students like...

Mark Greaney, author of the bestselling “Gray Man” series, is a White Station High School alumnus. Many of the 25 books he has published are available in local bookstores and libraries like Novel.

From green to gray — Greaney’s ‘Gray Man’

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor October 14, 2024

Sheets of rain push past the leaves of the trees, pummeling the ground and turning the dirt to a muddy, slick mess. Running through the dense forest, he hears hundreds of bullets, each one looking to strike...

Ivan Dam (11), second to the left, stands with his host mom, host sister, roommate and host dad. In the summer of 2024, Dam spent two months living with them through the summer language immersion program, NSLI-Y.

8,000 miles from home — Dam’s experience in Taiwan

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor October 1, 2024

Waking up the next morning was going to be hard. It was 10 p.m. and he had to get up in only seven hours. Ivan Dam (11) had just flown from Kaohsiung, Taiwan to Memphis, Tennessee — just in time for...

Cozbia Smith is the new White Station High School band director. Band practices are held by Smith four days a week from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The Spartan Legion’s overture — the rebirth of the White Station band

Jane Mercer, Lead Copy Editor August 31, 2024

For over 10 years, Brian Sims was the director of the White Station High School (WSHS) band. However, on June 17, 2024, the Houston High School (HHS) band announced a change in leadership; HHS would now...

Yirui Tang (12) received her acceptance letter from Washington University (WashU) in St. Louis on Mar. 20 of 2024. She plans to attend WashU in the 2024-25 school year.

Spartan college choices

Jane Mercer, Podcast Director April 23, 2024

Tanner Bozant: Tanner Bozant (12) plans to attend the University of Tenn. in Chattanooga (UTC) after graduating from White Station High School. He will major in biology, leading into veterinarian medicine....

White Station High School’s JROTC unarmed drill team competes at multiple events each year. Currently, four members of this team are involved in the marching band.

Marching through band and JROTC

Jane Mercer, Podcast Director April 2, 2024

You may have heard students shout the phrase “White House,” either while watching the marching band perform or at a JROTC parade. After being established in 1897, thousands of students have gone to...

Nick Blumkin, Conner Blumkin’s (12) father, has served in the military for 24 years. He has been a member of the Air Force, Navy and Army.

A look behind the front lines — military kids

Jane Mercer, Podcast Director March 19, 2024

After moving four times up and down the East Coast, he finally settled in Memphis, TN. Eli Jacobs (11) is a military kid attending White Station High. Military kids, sometimes called military brats,...

Over 100 people came together to perform the “Harriet Tubman Oratorio.” The members of the choir were from all over the Memphis area.

The chorus of The Underground Railroad

Jane Mercer, Podcast Director March 19, 2024

Looking at the stage, she watches as the conductor moves his arms to a precise rhythm. Then, Earnestine Robinson, the composer, hears over a hundred voices begin to perform her musical creation while images...

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