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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A rider and horse compete in the three feet or children’s medal class at the Harvest Time show at the Germantown Charity Horse Show arena. The photographer, Eli Thompson (12), is mostly self-taught only having watched a few YouTube videos to assist him in his years of photography.

Thompson’s portrait of a horse

Ellie Pappas, Chief Copy Editor March 25, 2022

Sunsets. Beaches. Cityscapes. These scenes are often subjects for budding photographers, but for Eli Thompson (12), his main subject is horses.  Thompson initially gained an interest in photography...

This example of code, written by Diego Gil (11), is in C# language, which is one of many computer languages. The code was created for the controller of a side-scroller video game.

Computer painting: the art of coding

Ellie Pappas, Chief Copy Editor February 25, 2022

When someone is wanting to be creative, they may reach for a set of watercolors, a piano or even a sewing machine for a way to express themselves. But for Shivam Aarya (11) and Diego Gil (11), they head...

[Above] One of the calligraphy pieces Mia Perez (10) has produced during quarantine. The abundance of free-time and being stuck inside the house has allowed students to expand their interests during quarantine.

Students use quarantine to explore new hobbies

Ian McMillin, Staff Writer May 6, 2020

With the announcement that SCS will close all schools through the remainder of the school year, students have an abundance of something that escapes their grasp during the busy school year: time. Figures...

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