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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Members of the Amnesty Club place their painted handprints on a banner in solidarity of the gun violence crisis. The group received recognition from Amnesty International USA for their efforts in breaking the cycle of gun violence.

America’s most dangerous city

Alice Willard, Head of Layout January 27, 2022

Gunshots echo through the streets and bullets ricochet as Memphians endure the dangerous gun violence that plagues the city. After a Wall St. study declared Memphis the most dangerous city in the United...

Supporters of the Braylon Murray Project march in memory of Braylon Murray. In August, the Memphis teen was robbed and murdered by teens armed with guns, a shocking example of the gun violence that has become prevalent in Memphis.

Teens use death of Braylon Murray to push for change

Chase Pittman, Writer December 7, 2021

One afternoon. One afternoon is all the time it took for an entire community to be wrecked with tragedy. Braylon Murray, a junior at Gateway Christian Academy, was only 17 when he was robbed and murdered...

Monday, Sept. 17, Christopher Valle (12) was hit by a student speeding in the parking lot. The ambulance and police rushed to White Station as chaos ensued on campus.

Safety at school — or the lack thereof

Kingston Barber, Viewpoint Team Leader October 3, 2021

A thud reverberates from the senior parking lot. A crowd begins to form — then suddenly police sirens erupt through the chatter, and an ambulance rushes onto campus. The news spreads: a student has been...

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