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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Gavriela Perezsalvador (10) was given her specific name by accident. When her father was writing what was going to be her name, “Gabriela,” on her birth certificate he wrote it in Spanish as “Gavriela” instead.

Unique names: being yourself

Sophia Marmion, News and Features Team Leader March 22, 2024

A name is the basis of a person’s identity, the first description attached to them when they enter the world. Every person is unique, and sometimes this means having a unique name. A name can have all...

Cristy Pursley and her pickleball friends pose for a picture after their rounds of play. The group meets once or twice a week to play the sport.

The growing popularity of pickleball

Celeste Cruz, Writer February 9, 2024

The quick ping of a hallowed ball against a court and paddles can be heard as two players on each side of a net hurry to hit the ball to the other side. One player is past their retirement age, one is...

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