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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Orchestra teacher Dr. Palmer brought in two guest speakers from the University of Memphis to help teach students about enrollment and furthering their music education after highschool. Harvey Felder, director of orchestral activities, and Heather Hampton, recruitment and enrollment officer, spoke to orchestra classes to provide students with valuable information for their futures.

Teachers adapt to virtual learning

Alice Willard December 9, 2020

Please turn your cameras on. Unmute your mics. Can everyone hear me? Everyday, teachers ask this series of questions since the SCS decision to switch to virtual learning. Previously-filled desks, chairs...

DECA creates new executive board

DECA creates new executive board

Kathryn Todd September 8, 2019

One major goal most classes share is to prepare students for the real world. Believe it or not, classes unrelated to STEM play a significant role in this, especially in the non-traditional ways teachers...

Keyana Hatamzadeh (12) and Lindsey Twelvetrees (12) volunteer at the Quince Nursing Home.

DECA makes a difference through community service

Isabella Shaw March 9, 2018

Most students know about the DECA Student-Teacher Basketball Game and their trip to New York in the fall, but what most don’t know is that White Station DECA is very involved in community service and...

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