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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Collage Dance Collective is the largest Black-owned ballet company in the South. Collage was originally founded in New York, but it was brought to Memphis to expand the art of dance among Memphians.

Collage Dance and Ballet Memphis leap across the nation

Adaria Crutcher, Arts & Entertainment Team Leader November 6, 2023

Pointe shoes clutter the floors of two notable Memphis ballet studios. Rosin spreads across the floors as ballerinas scrape them on their shoes. Á la seconde turns and pirouettes fill both studios as...

Remnants of Mr. Odle’s classroom items stay behind in Mr. Bateman’s classroom. Among them are “Basketball around the World” and “Basketball Basics”— two books written on coaching by Odle’s grandfather.

A farewell to beloved teacher, Chadwick Odle

Sophia Turner, Writer April 4, 2022

Chadwick Odle: a teacher whom students have adored year after year since 2001, a teacher once dedicated to educating high schoolers on everything from the French Revolution to the Great Depression, and...

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