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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Jennifer Chiu achieves the title of salutatorian for the Class of 2022. She accomplished this by avoiding a crammed schedule and instead focusing on the classes she has interest in to raise her scores.

Advice from the top two

Chitkala Alli October 3, 2022

Year after year, the top two students of the senior class are awarded the prestigious title of either valedictorian or salutatorian. White Station is home to an exceedingly competitive academic environment...

The argument for class ranks

Jessica Lam, Viewpoint January 23, 2018

GPA- the single most important factor attributed to success in high school. As students approach junior and senior year, the competition and drive for higher class rank accelerates. Class rank measures...

Class rank is a major source of stress for many students.

The Argument Against Class Ranks

Caroline Hoff January 23, 2018

Class rank. It’s what all the juniors and seniors are talking about. If you are not stressing over your class rank right now, you probably will be soon. The competition is steep amongst students and...

A comparison of the importance of class rank for different colleges

What’s your rank?

Becca Folkes-Lallo, Layout, Student Life December 8, 2016

At a competitive school like White Station, where many students have heavy course loads, class rank is a popular topic of discussion for graduating seniors. The class rank system assigns seniors a number,...

Let’s tank the rank!

Isabelle Dillard, Copy Editor February 18, 2014

On paper, education is all about numbers. Our academic achievement has always been measured numerically. Since elementary school, we have awaited progress sheets and report cards with little, neatly printed...

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