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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

One of the 40 11th and 12th grade violin players from West Tennessee who earned a spot at All-West, Charisse Conard (12) plans to pursue either a double-major or minor in music in college. Conard has played the violin for nine years.

Orchestra students shine at All-West

Ellie Pappas, Copyedit Lead January 4, 2023

For many performing arts students at White Station, fall is not just a time of changing leaves, but it is the beginning of the All-West season. The West Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association...

Members of the Amnesty Club place their painted handprints on a banner in solidarity of the gun violence crisis. The group received recognition from Amnesty International USA for their efforts in breaking the cycle of gun violence.

America’s most dangerous city

Alice Willard, Head of Layout January 27, 2022

Gunshots echo through the streets and bullets ricochet as Memphians endure the dangerous gun violence that plagues the city. After a Wall St. study declared Memphis the most dangerous city in the United...

People gather in a rally against anti-Asian hate in the Chinatown-International District of Seattle. Over the past year, it has been reported that anti-Asian hate crimes have increased by nearly 150%.

Words have weight: casual racism at White Station

Lena Zeng, Writer December 7, 2021

“You’re being too sensitive!” “You can’t take a joke!” “You’re acting like a snowflake!” These are just some of the common phrases that are often told to people who take offense to racist...

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