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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Though the CDC recommends a six-foot space for social distancing, this gap may not prove as effective as possible. A full force sneeze can travel up to 27 feet, yet another reason to wear a mask to keep your droplets in and others’ droplets out.

What to expect when you’re expecting to reopen

Autumn Bobo May 11, 2020

Amidst the chaos in Shelby County that began in March, a new wave of hope and speculation has surfaced alongside the county’s Back to Business Plan. May 4 began Phase One of the business reopenings for...

Healthcare officials do their best to tackle COVID-19, even though statistics are still unclear because of the lack of tests. The U.S. was undersupplied and unprepared for a pandemic after recovering from the 2009 H1N1 outbreak.

How does COVID-19 catch the world by surprise?

Hayden Thornton, Student Life Writer April 7, 2020

Remember hearing “better safe than sorry” and always thinking it meant to double-check that a door is locked or double-check the expiration date of milk? Did you ever think it would apply to potentially...

The coronavirus can be characterized by mild symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever. Anyone with these symptoms should contact their healthcare provider for more information. Emergency warning signs of COVID-19 include shortness of breath, persistent pain around the chest, confusion or inability to arouse and bluish lips or face. Although this list is not all inclusive, people with these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.

Coronavirus: get to know the enemy

Annie Leow, Managing Editor March 13, 2020

The outbreak of the coronavirus in the US was declared inevitable by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and whether or not you usually trust the experts, they were right about this one. This silent...

This graph details the two possible "curves" COVID-19 could have. The red curve is the result of no preventive measures being taken. The blue curve is with.

Preventive measures to take against COVID-19

Kathryn Todd, A&E Team Leader March 13, 2020

COVID-19, which is caused by the Coronavirus, is circulating the globe and our newsfeed. Although the threat is greatest for people over the age of 60, the repercussions of this pandemic affect the entire...

Mandated by the EPA, the legal lead content in water cannot exceed 15 parts lead per one billion parts water. However, the Shelby County Health Department found contaminated water sources to have two to seven times the legal limit.

Lead Found in SCS School Water

Grant Baxter December 18, 2019

Dangerously high traces of lead in water have been found in schools across Shelby County, leaving children from kindergarten to high school at risk of lead poisoning.  In mid October, Shelby County...

Zombie high

Zombie high

Kate Blankinship September 30, 2013

Is the snooze button your best friend? High school students starting school at seven is, to be blunt, one of the most nonsensical decisions the Shelby County School System has made. Teenagers need...

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