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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Calla Coonin (12) visited the Tel Azeka caves of the Canaanite period. A forest resided overlooking the caves.

Coonin’s six-week summer journey in Israel

Sophia Turner, Editor-in-Chief December 12, 2023

Six thousand, six hundred twenty six miles away in Israel, Calla Coonin (12) spent six weeks learning about the history of the Jewish people and traveling to historical sites while bonding with her...

Collage Dance Collective is the largest Black-owned ballet company in the South. Collage was originally founded in New York, but it was brought to Memphis to expand the art of dance among Memphians.

Collage Dance and Ballet Memphis leap across the nation

Adaria Crutcher, Arts & Entertainment Team Leader November 6, 2023

Pointe shoes clutter the floors of two notable Memphis ballet studios. Rosin spreads across the floors as ballerinas scrape them on their shoes. Á la seconde turns and pirouettes fill both studios as...

The Nutcracker led his soldiers to battle against the Rat King and his entourage. He prepares for his most important moment in act one.

Return of the Nutcracker engages Spartans

Grace Dillender, Writer December 22, 2022

The conductor motions to an oboe, who begins to play an A. The rest of the orchestra joins with a flourish before coming to an abrupt stop. With a lift of the baton, the curtains open and the music...

Heartstopper was released on Apr. 22, 2022, and the second season is in the making. The show tells the story of Charlie and Nick who become very close and begin dating, despite backlash from fellow classmates.

International teen drama dynamically gain attention

Maya Zelinski, Writer December 19, 2022

One of the most popular pastimes for high schoolers is watching dramatic shows on the lives of teenagers. As streaming services have grown to become the main source for television, many viewers...

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