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A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

A publication by the students, about the students, and for the students of White Station High School

White Station Scroll

Young Allison Totty (12) poses with her father, John Totty, in some of his equipment. She grew up with stories of her dad and his work as a firefighter.

Stamping out the fire of American ignorance

Phoebe Fuerst, Writer December 9, 2024

It is the soreness from 150-pound gear, the late nights, the absolute exhaustion from training and the fulfillment of the duties of a job that makes emergency response work seem hard. However, it is really...

From left to right, Abby Griffith (10), Azaria Jones (10), and Kailyn Card (10) play defense at their second match in the sixth Annual Battle in Gatlinburg . The match resulted in a victory for the Spartans.

Lady Spartans lacrosse return from Gatlinburg with third place victory

Addis Shiberou, Writer December 12, 2023

The season hasn’t started yet, but the Lady Spartans Lacrosse team is already at work. They face a long road of preseason scrimmages against some of the best teams in the city, but before that, they...

Weight training has long been used as a way to gain muscle mass. Scientific research recommends that individuals continually increase the intensity of their workout, exercise all muscle groups and frequently exercise to fully reap the benefits of their training.

Call the exterminator: the rise of gym rat culture

Hannah Lam, Online Editor January 27, 2022

The phrase “gym rats” may bring a certain strange image to mind — furry, four-legged critters scuttling around a gym floor, climbing on equipment and gnawing at weights. However, the fitness community...

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